My promise

If you’re an established professional ready to offer your services to the world, I will help you create and market your lifestyle business, build your personal brand, and pave your path to more financial and location freedom.

Time to create a life you don't need a vacation from.

Work With Me

 If you're finally at the point where the pull towards taking action is stronger than the desire to stay "comfortable", then this is for you. 

If you're looking to add more freedom to your life, whether that is financial, location, creative, or time freedom, or all of the above, then this is for you.

If you're a talented professional with experience in your field ready to work more 1:1 with you ideal clients, but don't know how to create and market your lifestyle business, then this is for you. 

One Time Strategy Call


Pick my brain so you can get unstuck and moving forward with your business. Here are some of my areas of expertise: 

✨Overall Business Strategy
✨Business Structure & Systems
✨Business Automation
✨Social Media & Marketing Strategy
✨Personal Branding
✨Travel Blogging & Brand Partnerships
✨Content Planning
✨Balancing Remote Work + Travel
✨Digital Nomad Life
✨Passive Income Streams

Book Your call

1:1 Monthly Coaching

Need That High-Level Support and Guidance? Allow me to Mentor you into your dream life

Needing more 1:1 support to get you to the next step in your business and life? My most personalized service gives you exclusive access to my time and mind every month, so you have someone who's already doing what you're looking to do guiding you every step of the way. This package includes:

✨Monthly 60 min 1:1 coaching calls with Karen
✨Templates and done-for-you systems
✨Access to Karen via WhatsApp M-F to answer any questions in-between coaching calls
✨Reviewing and feedback on any content/products/etc you're developing for you business

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Have questions regarding how we can work together?

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